Have you considered your long-term care needs?
Planning ahead can have many benefits. Even if you just make a quick checklist for your next morning, you could easily save time and effort in the future. Planning for more significant aspects of your life can also have its benefits. In particular, you may want to consider planning for your long-term health needs.
No matter your age, taking the time to plan could prove vastly beneficial. Most individuals over the age of 65 will need some sort of long-term care, and even younger individuals could suffer a serious injury or illness that leaves them incapacitated. Because you cannot predict when the need for such care may arise, making a long-term care plan and considering your powers of attorney may be wise.
Starting early
By starting early, you give yourself time to consider your care wants with a clear mind. Having a clear mind will also help ensure that your care wishes are considered valid. If you wait until serious issues come about in relation to your mental capacity, your ability to make sound decisions may come into question.
Early planning can also give you the opportunity to consider where you would like your care to take place and who should be in charge of important decisions. You may feel that staying in your home could be a viable option, but you may also need to determine whether your house could easily accommodate the various equipment and services you may need in the future. It is not always easy to work certain care needs into a home environment.
If you think utilizing an outside care facility could better suit your possible needs as well as allow you to gain care from professional providers, you may take the time to explore the options in your area. By giving yourself a head start on your plan, you may be able to find a facility that you would feel comfortable using if the need arises.
Putting someone in charge
In addition to choosing the individuals or facility that will provide your care, you will also likely want to consider who will be in charge of important health and financial decisions. By appointing power of attorney agents, you can choose who will make financial decisions and who will make health care decisions on your behalf. You could choose separate individuals to make these decisions or appoint a single person to make all necessary decisions.