Should you fight for sole custody of your child?

When couples in Arizona get married, the last thing they ever think will happen is divorce. Unfortunately, nearly half of all marriages in the United States face an unhappy ending. When children are involved, matters can become quite complicated.

Should you pursue sole custody?

When emotions are running high, you may be tempted to pursue sole legal custody to leave your former partner out of raising your child. However, you may want to consider what’s best for your child when facing this difficult decision.

Are there situations that call for sole custody?

There are several situations in which sole custody might be appropriate. Consider seeking sole custody of your child if your ex has a history of:

  • Abusing you or your child in a physical, emotional, sexual or psychological manner
  • Neglecting to provide the child with medical care, food, clothing or other necessities
  • Suffering substance abuse problems that prevent them from being able to properly care for the child

What are the benefits of joint custody?

Child custody issues are among the most contested parts of a divorce. If you and your child aren’t at risk of harm from your ex, it might be beneficial for your child to grow up with the influence of both parents. Co-parenting can take the burden off of one parent as each parent shares responsibilities. Co-parenting can help some former couples reach common ground so that they can experience a more successful relationship post-divorce. If you’re able to communicate cordially with your ex, your child may feel more secure about the future moving forward.

When you and your ex are splitting up, you have to figure out how you’ll handle parenting once the divorce is finalized. If you need help making a parenting plan for sole or joint custody, your divorce attorney may be able to assist.

Call us at 623-294-2464 or contact us to schedule your consultation today.

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