Why social media and divorce don’t mix
Going through a divorce is a stressful and frustrating process for many people. Due to the impact of this life change, some people turn to social media to seek support from friends and family.
Unfortunately, posting on social media during a divorce may cause more issues throughout this process. To help avoid complicating your divorce proceedings further, keep the following tips in mind.
Stay off social media if possible
If you don’t post on social media, there won’t be anything your spouse may feel like they need to retaliate to. While it may be tempting to vent on social media about your situation or your ex, it can cause conflict. If your spouse finds these posts, they may try to “sabotage” you during the divorce by not negotiating the terms or using assets or children against you. You can prevent these situations by avoiding social media and disconnecting while your divorce is finalized.
Avoid posting anything negative during your divorce
If you feel like you have been wronged in some way, social media may seem like the perfect outlet for these feelings. However, you should avoid posting anything negative about your ex or their family. Also, make sure to avoid posting if you feel upset. Be sure your family is on the same page, and they keep feelings related to the situation and your ex off social media.
Avoiding social media mistakes during a divorce
Going through a divorce is stressful enough. Avoid complicating the situation further with social media. In some situations, there could be legal ramifications of doing this. Keeping quiet and focusing on yourself and your children is the best option to get through this difficult time.