Getting Ready for Trial

The perception that people get from watching lawyer shows on TV is that one day the client is meeting with the attorney, and the next day they are in Court. Reality is nothing like this. It usually takes months before one gets in front of the Judge and there is a lot of work that

Separation vs. Divorce

Torn between filing for legal separation or divorce? Perhaps it would be helpful to know the similarities and differences between the two, at least in Arizona. The first and most obvious difference between the two is that if you’re legally separated, you’re still technically married. Of course, this means you can’t remarry if you’re only

Requirements for Relocation

For parents looking to relocate out of state, whether for a better job opportunity or to be closer to family, special care needs to be taken to ensure they’re complying with Arizona law if they’re planning to relocate with their minor child(ren). For starters, relocation refers to a permanent move out of state or more

Stay or Fetch? Who gets Fido in a Divorce?

For pet lovers going through a divorce, one of the most heart-wrenching and contentious issues in their case can be determining which party will get the family pet(s). Pets are often times an integral part of the family, a source of companionship and affection that can’t be easily replaced. At the same time, and although

Dissolving A Same-sex Marriage In Arizona

Arizona’s Constitution, Article 30, Section 1 and Arizona Revised Statute, section 25-101(C) prohibit marriages between persons of the same sex.  However, other states and countries have adopted laws allowing for same sex marriage.  When persons enter into a legal same sex marriage in a jurisdiction that allows them, and subsequently relocate to Arizona and seek

Better Safe Than Sorry

We are often asked if an attorney is really necessary when filing for divorce in Arizona. There is no requirement in Arizona that you retain a lawyer to represent you in your divorce. We believe you could be placing yourself at a real disadvantage by not retaining counsel. For starters, divorce very often can be

Aggressive is Not Always the Best Tactic

We often get asked “How aggressive are you?”  The answer is, “As aggressive as you want us to be.”  As a client, you should know that the more aggressive your attorney is in litigation, the more it will cost.  Most family law attorneys bill by the hour, so the more work that goes into a

The Devil is in the Details

Too often we have clients who need their Divorce Decree amended or supplemented because it was not completed accurately when it was originally done.  The most common mistake is failing to define the parenting plan with enough specificity to avoid later fights.  Frequently when parties do their divorce themselves, they fail to include pick-up and drop-off

It’s Not Easy

Going through a divorce is a tough and trying time.  Too many times, we see client’s going through a divorce who want to give in to unreasonable demands from their spouse, in order to bring the process to a close.  In some instances there is value in this.  However, making a decision about something that

Divorce: It’s not like it is on TV

When you’re in a contested divorce the most important thing you need to do is disclose everything.  It’s not like on TV where someone surprises a witness with a document that he/she has never seen before and is the “smoking gun”. If you’re involved in, or about to become involved in a contested divorce, you should

Call us at 623-294-2464 or contact us to schedule your consultation today.

1616 North Litchfield Road, Suite 140, Goodvear, AZ 85395
Goodyear Office Location
20830 N Tatum Blvd, Suite 210 Phoenix, AZ 85050
Phoenix Office Location
14050 N 83rd Avenue Suite 290, Peoria, AZ 85381
Peoria Office Location