Category: Child Support
Child Support
3 ways child support matters can complicate divorce
Divorcing when you have children is almost always more complicated than getting a divorce when you don’t share kids. Custody arrangements create their own set of complications for divorcing parents, and child support can also lead to emotional disagreements. Many couples will need to negotiate some kind of support arrangement, and that may lead to
How to calculate child support and alimony in Arizona
When you are getting a divorce, one of the things you’ll need to do is determine how much child support will be paid. In most cases, Arizona will follow close rules regarding maintenance payments and how to calculate them. Some people believe that child support will be excessive. Others think that they won’t get enough. Instead of
What happens to your child support payments if your ex dies?
If your child’s other parent has died, you’re likely experiencing a wide range of complicated emotions. However, you also have to take time to consider some very practical issues – like child support. If your co-parent didn’t have an estate plan (or even just a will), can you continue to get the financial help you’ve
Can you choose to forgo child support payments?
Whenever parents divorce in Arizona, they will usually be ordered by the courts to provide child support payments. Those payments will typically go to the parent who has sole custody of the child. The courts will often order these payments even if neither parent filed for child support. However, there are cases in which one
How is child support calculated in Arizona?
If you separate from your spouse and intend to go on to divorce, one of the first things you’ll have to work out is child support. Your kids deserve support from both parents, but how much financial support you or the other parent has to pay is still to be determined. Arizona has statutory guidelines
A disabling event could lead to child support changes
After divorce, many custodial parents rely on child support payments in order to more fully provide for their children. These payments come from the non-custodial parent, and the amount is commonly determined by state law. Additionally, the court takes particular circumstances of the case into consideration. You may have gotten used to receiving the same
Does a high income mean you won’t get child support?
You and your spouse split up, and you get custody of your kids. Your ex only works part-time and makes around $2,000 per month. You have a far better job, though, and you make over $100,000 per year. Does this mean that you’re not going to get any child support payments from your ex simply
Is it wise to use a credit card for child support?
You want to make those child support payments on time and in full. You really do. But then you realize you don’t have enough money on hand one month. Should you use a credit card to make the payment? Obviously, the situation is different for everyone. There are ramifications to not paying child support. Your
Key factors often leading to child support modification
Child support orders are given out based on the specific details of the case — income levels, number of children, etc — at the time of the divorce. However, we all know just how fast life can change. Below are a few reasons a modification may be needed down the line: — Income changes. You