Child Support in Arizona

How much will I get/pay?  What does it include?  How long does it last for?  In any divorce or custody case where minor children are involved, one of the first questions from a new or prospective client almost always has to do with child support.  What they don’t know is that in Arizona, determining child

Avoiding Divorce That Results From Money Issues

Putting it simply, the number one cause of divorce is hurt feelings. That may sound overly simplistic, but it’s accurate in a general sense. Do your feelings get hurt when your spouse seems interested in someone else? Of course. Do your feelings get hurt when you spouse doesn’t like to be intimate as often as

Custody And Parenting Time

People often get confused about Custody laws in Arizona.  Essentially there are two different types of custody: “Legal Custody” and “Physical Custody”. Legal Custody encompasses only the parents’ right to have input in to decisions regarding the child(ren)’s health, education, and religion.  Legal Custody has nothing to do with where the child(ren) live and what parenting

Alimony/spousal Maintenance

In Arizona, what is commonly known as “alimony” is referred to as spousal maintenance. Arizona does not follow any set calculation or formula for determining if spousal maintenance is appropriate, nor for how much or how long it should last.  Instead, this is left to the Court’s discretion.  The Judge is guided by statute and is

Phoenix, Arizona Divorce Lawyers

At Trullinger & Wenk, PLLC, we believe that divorce is about the future, not the past. We help our clients develop positive solutions to difficult and personal issues. We are compassionate counselors and strong advocates who work to protect our clients’ rights at all stages of the divorce process. Contact us for a consultation with an

Call us at 623-294-2464 or contact us to schedule your consultation today.

1616 North Litchfield Road, Suite 140, Goodvear, AZ 85395
Goodyear Office Location
20830 N Tatum Blvd, Suite 210 Phoenix, AZ 85050
Phoenix Office Location
14050 N 83rd Avenue Suite 290, Peoria, AZ 85381
Peoria Office Location